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Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Izusu Elf

Isuzu ELF  
Isuzu Elf
Rp 650.000
12 Penumpang

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01.09 | 0 comments

Susuki Mpv

Suzuki APV - MPV World Class
Suzuki APV
Rp 230.000
8 Penumpang

 Sewa mobil murah di Bali, Penginapan hotel di Bali adalah beberapa layanan yang bisa Anda dapatkan disini. Liburan di Bali tidaklah lengkap tanpa mengunjungi berbagai obyek wisata Bali yang sangat terkenal seperti indahnya Pantai Kuta, Pantai Dreamland, Kintamani, Uluwatu, dan lain-lain.

Jasa rental sewa mobil Bali bersamaTrip To Bali di Kuta dan Denpasar bagi Anda selama di Bali (setir sendiri atau memakai driver) adalah pilihan yang tepat. Juga tersedia untuk sewa motor otomatis di Bali.

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01.03 | 0 comments

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Rafting in bali | Bali Canyon Tubing

Salah satu wisata di Bali selain rafting. menyusuri sungai yang terjal oleh bebatuan,menjadikan petualangan Anda semakin lengkap dan seru tentunya.Bali Canyon Tubing hampir sama dengan Rafting, hanya saja boat di Rafting berisikan 3 sampai 4 orang sedangkan Canyon Bali Tubing hanya berisikan 1 orang saja. Mungkin wisata ini belum terlalu di kenal di kalangan masyarakat. Anda akan merasakan sensasi yang berbeda. Beralokasikan di desa Payangan yang berada di sebelah utara Ubud atau 15 kilometer dari Kintamani, tempat yang tersembunyi dari pusat keramaian.
Harga per orang Rp. 625.000,-

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19.28 | 0 comments

Bali Odyssey Submarine

Menyusuri laut dalam dengan praktis tanpa repot harus membawa peralatan renang atau peralatan lainnya.

Dengan Bali Odyssey Submarine Anda bisa menyaksikan keindahan bawah laut yang masih terjaga kelestariannya. Bisa menyaksikan berbagai macam jenis ikan. Lokasi bali submarine sendiri berada di bagian timur pulau bali dimana paket bali submarine ini sudah termasuk penjemputan dari hotel tempat anda menginap.
Tidak perlu khawatir akan ketahanan dan kenyamanan kapal ini sangat terjamin. Anda akan di bawa berkeliling oleh kapal selam ini agar dapat melihat seluruh biota laut yang tersedia. perjalanan menempuh waktu selama 45 menit.
1 Submarine
Rp. 490.000
Rp. 350.000
2 Submarine+Fish Feeding
Rp. 790.000
Rp. 505.000
3 Submarine+Water Sport*
Rp. 730.000
Rp. 480.000
4 Submarine+Scuba Diving
Rp. 780.000
5 Submarine+Water Sport+Scuba Diving
Rp. 990.000
*Harga Immadiately sampai Juni 2011

Harga Termasuk

  • hotel transfer
  • welcome drink / minuman selamat datang
  • 45 menit petualangan bawah laut bersama bali odyssey
  • barbeque lunch
  • coffer, tea and mineral water
  • dive certificate
  • asuransi untuk peserta umur 5-70 tahun

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19.26 | 0 comments

Wisata kapal pesiar atau cruise bersama Quicksilver

Wisata kapal pesiar atau cruise bersama Quicksilver adalah kapal pesiar yang dilengkapi dengan waterslide ini akan membawa kita menikmati keindahan perairan dan budaya Bali.

quicksilver BaliAda dua paket yang ditawarkan, yaitu Nusa Penida Island Day Cruise dan Sunset Cruise. Pada paket Nusa Penida Island Day Cruise, perjalanan akan dimulai sejak pukul 9.00 hingga 16.00 setiap harinya. Untuk memudahkan peserta, kami menyediakan fasilitas antar jemput ke bandara atau hotel tempat peserta menginap.
Penjemputan di hotel atau bandara dilakukan jam 8-8.30 pagi dan untuk sarapan (breakfast) anda tidak perlu kuatir karena disediakan sarapan di atas kapal dengan menu pastry dan orange juice.
Lamanya perjalanan menuju ke Nusa Penida adalah 45 menit. Selama perjalanan, awak Quicksilver mempersiapkan aneka hiburan dan permainan menarik. Bahkan bagi Anda yang lebih suka menikmati pemandangan laut dan fotografi juga dapat menghabiskan waktu selama berlayar dengan berfoto-foto.
sunset dinner baliNantinya, kapal akan merapat di sebuah Mega Pontoon dengan 2 lantai yang berada di dekat Nusa Penida. Inilah pontoon terbesar diantara semua operator kapal pesiar di Bali. Berbagai fasilitas disediakan, diantaranya banana boat, semi submarine (kapal dengan dasar dari kaca untuk menikmati pemandangan bawah laut), waterslide (seluncur raksasa), ocean spa, dan snorkeling. Seluruh fasilitas itu dapat dinikmati tanpa biaya tambahan. Sedangkan bagi peserta yang suka dengan olahraga yang lebih menantang, hanya dengan mengeluarkan sedikit biaya tambahan, maka dapat mencoba jetski, scuba diving, dan fish feeding (menyelam sambil memberi makan ikan).
Tidak hanya itu, bagi pecinta wisata budaya, dapat berkunjung ke Pulau Nusa Penida. Penduduk setempat sudah siap menyambut Anda dengan suguhan air kelapa muda dan atraksi khas Nusa Penida, yaitu sabung ayam. Ada juga kunjungan ke peternakan penyu, menyaksikan aktivitas penduduk desa yang sedang menenun di rumah, pasar tradisional, outbond, ataupun bersantai di pantai.
Setelah berkeliling, kami akan menyediakan makan siang di Mega Pontoon sejak pukul 10.00 hingga 14.00. Ada berbagai pilihan menu, seperti aneka makanan laut, makanan untuk vegetarian, maupun makanan khas Eropa.
Jadi ayo ke ber wisata kapal pesiar ke Pulau Nusa Penida Bali dan dapatkan harga yang super murah dari kami.
Program Quick Silver Cruises Bali
Harga (Rp) 01 April 2011 - 31 Maret 2012

Anak (5-14thn)
Infant (<5 thn)
Fam Pack (2A+2CHD)
Full Day Island Cruise

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19.13 | 0 comments

Cruise In Bali with Island Explorer Cruises Bali

Island Explorer Cruises Bali adalah wisata kapal pesiar melayani wisata bahari ke Pulau Nusa Lembongan yang paling murah diantara yang lainnya di Bali.
Island Explorer Cruises mempunyai 4 cruises mini dengan harga sama, kelebihan dari Island Explorer Cruises adalah bisa memilih sesuai kesenangan diantaranya: New Fun Ship, Relax, Super Fast, Ocean Flayer. Semua cruise tersebut mengambil rute yang sama ke Nusa Lembongan Island.
Harga harga special untuk Island Explorer Day Cruise sebagai berikut:
Program Island Explorer Cruises Bali
Harga (Rp)

Anak-anak (5-12 th)
Day Cruise Bali Fun Ship
Rp. 590.000,-
Rp. 330.000,-
Day Cruise Relax Yacht
Day Cruise Program (berangkat dengan "Lembongan Flyer" balik dengan "Bali Fun Ship")
Overnight Paket Coconut Beach Club 1 (Full Day Cruise program with water activities, soft drinks, BBQ lunch on first day 1 night accomodation breakfast)
Rp. 896.000,-
Overnight Paket Coconut Beach Club 2 ( Return boat transfer, 1 night accomodation breakfast)
Rp. 716.000,-
Transfer one way dari Benoa - Lembongan dengan cruise
Rp. 195.000,-
Rp. 135.000,-
Return Benoa - Lembongan - Benoa dengan cruise
Rp. 330.000,-
Rp. 195.000,-
Paket Cruises Keluarga (2A + 2 Chd dibawah 12 thn) Rp. 1.870.000,-
Free of charge

Berikut Gambar Bali Cruises oleh Island Explorer Cruises
Island Explorer Cruises Bali

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19.10 | 0 comments

Cruise In Bali with Bounty

Panduan lengkap wisata kapal pesiar bersama Bounty Cruises yang akan melayani anda pergi ke Pulau Nusa Lembongan Bali dengan harga murah.
Wisata kapal pesiar Bounty ini setiap pagi melayani acara wisata bahari dari pagi hari sampai sore. Start dari Pelabuhan Benoa Bali setiap pagi, cruise ini akan berangkat pada pukul 9 pagi, melayari selat Bali selama 1.30 jam. Selama dalam pelayaran anda akan melihat lihat kapal cruise lainnya dengan tujuan yang sama, memandang laut lepas, pemandangan daerah Sanur atau hanya diam di dalam kapal pesiar Bounty sambil menikmati kopi atau teh plus makanan kue yang disajiakn oleh pihak Bounty.
Sampai di Pulau Nusa Lemboongan kira kira pukul 10.30 siang dan anda bisa melihat lihat ikan di dasar laut dengan kapal kecil yang di pisah dengan kaca yang ada di dasar boat. Ini dikenal dengan kapal semi submersible. Selain itu anda bisa memilih naik pisang raksasa yang kita kenal dengan sebutan Banana Boat. Atau juga anda bisa hanya berenang di sekitar kapal dengan peralatan snorkeling yang telah disediakan.
Setelah puas dengan aktivitas tersebut maka pada siang hari dilanjutkan dengan Makan siang di area kapal. Berbagai menu hidangan ada di dek kapal pesiar Bounty cruises ini. Sekitar pukul 1 siang maka acara akan dilanjutkan dengan mengunjungi desa yang ada di Pulau Nusa Lembongan yang di sebut dengan village tour. Disini kita bisa melihat berbagai macam kegiatan orang Bali yang ada di Pulau Nusa Lembongan seperti bertani rumput laut, kerajinan tradisional, rumah sederhana orang Lembongan dan lain sebagainya.

Acara di lanjutkan kembali ke kapal pesiar dengan diantar boat kecil yang akan mentransfer anda dari bibir pantai ke area Kapal Pesiar Bounty yang sandar dari bibir pantai sekitar 100 meter. Bagi yang mau berenang, anda masih bisa melakukannya sampai pukul 3 sore karena setelah itu kapal akan melakukan perjalanan balik ke Pulau Bali.
Sore hari jam 4.30 anda akan sampai di Pelabuhan Benoa untuk di transfer kembali ke hotel tempat anda menginap seperti ke Kuta, Legian, Nusa Dua, Jimbaran dan Sanur.
Jadi ayo ke Bali dan kunjungi Pulau Nusa Lembongan bersama Bounty Cruises Bali.

Bounty Sunset Dinner Cruises

Bounty cruises juga melayani anda bagi siapa saja yang merindukan suasana romantis di Kapal periar ini pada sore hari sambil menikmati sunset hingga pukul 8 malam dengan mengikuti program Sunset Dinner Bounty Cruises Bali.
Program Bounty Cruises Bali
Harga (Rp)

Anak-anak(3-14 tahun)
Full Day Lembongan Island Cruise
Rp. 605.000,-
Rp. 370.000,-
Dinner Cruises
Rp. 330.000,-
Rp. 165.000,-
Harga Bounty cruises di Bali berlaku sampai 31 Maret 2011.
Harga Bounty Day Cruises sudah termasuk:
  • Return transfer hotel - harbour - hotel (Nusa Dua, Kuta, Sanur areas)
  • Morning dan Afternoon teh atau kopi plus snack
  • International buffet lunch
  • Video entertainment aboard boat
  • Live entertainment by Trio Batakos Singers
  • A Semi Submersible Submarine
  • Under water viewing chamber
  • 44 meter water slide
  • Naik B anana boat
  • Alat Alat Snorkeling
  • Naik Kapal Glass bottom boat
  • Canoeing
  • Village tour atau access ke Day Center Nusa Lembongan
Bounty cruisesApa yang mesti dibawa:
Swimming costume, Sunscreen dan Sunhat, Camera, uang untuk minuman dan obtional activitas serta souvenir.

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19.09 | 0 comments

Wisata Cruise in bali with Bali Hai Cruise

Wisata kapal pesiar dengan menggunakan Bali Hai cruises adalah pilihan yang tepat selama masa liburan anda di Bali menuju ke Pulau Nusa Lembongan .
Bali Hai Cruises ini memiliki aneka ragam wisata berbasis kapal pesiar membuat anda akan banyak memiliki pilihan untuk cruises bersama Bali Hai. Diantaranya ada Bali Hai Beach Club cruise, Bali Hai reef cruises, Sunset Dinner Cruises, Ocean Rafting dan lain lainnya.
Sopir dan mobil dari Bali Hai cruises akan menjemput anda di hotel pada pukul 8 - 8.30 pagi sampai di Pelabuhan Benoa pukul 8.45. Sampai di Benoa langsung menaiki kapal pesiar Bali Hai dan anda akan disuguhakn sarapan makanan ringan dengan di temani secangkir kopi atau teh atau orange juice.
Start awal dimulai dari Pelabuhan Benoa, dengan kapal Bali Hai Cruise kita akan menuju Nusa Lembongan. Berbagai aktifitas bisa dinikmati di pontoon dan Nusa Lembongan.
Lamanya perjalanan menuju ke pulau Nusa Lembongan adalah sekitar 65 menit. Selama perjalanan, awak Bali Hai Cruises mempersiapkan aneka hiburan dan permainan menarik. Bahkan bagi Anda yang lebih suka menikmati pemandangan laut dan fotografi juga dapat menghabiskan waktu selama berlayar dengan berfoto-foto.
Nantinya, kapal akan merapat di sebuah Mega Pontoon dengan 2 lantai yang berada di dekat Nusa Lembongan. Berbagai fasilitas disediakan di Pontoon, diantaranya banana boat, semi submarine (kapal dengan dasar dari kaca untuk menikmati pemandangan bawah laut), waterslide (seluncur raksasa), dan snorkeling. Seluruh fasilitas itu dapat dinikmati tanpa biaya tambahan. Sedangkan bagi peserta yang suka dengan olahraga yang lebih menantang, hanya dengan mengeluarkan sedikit biaya tambahan, maka dapat mencoba jetski, scuba diving dan parasailing.
Tidak hanya itu, bagi pecinta wisata budaya, dapat berkunjung ke Pulau Nusa Lembongan. Penduduk setempat sudah siap menyambut Anda dengan kegiatan mencari nafkah sebagai petani rumput laut. Ada juga kunjungan ke rumah goa yang dibangun dalam waktu 15 tahun. Menarik bukan?
Setelah berkeliling, kami akan menyediakan makan siang di Beach Club sejak pukul 12.00 hingga 14.00. Ada berbagai pilihan menu, seperti aneka makanan laut, makanan untuk vegetarian, maupun makanan khas Eropa.
Note: harga yang berlaku pada site ini adalah untuk Domestik dan Kim's atau Kitas Holder.

Pilihan Wisata Kapal Pesiar bersama Bali Hai Cruises di Bali dibawah ini :

  • Bali Hai Beach Club Cruises
    Rp. 640.000/Dewasa
    Rp. 340.000 Anak antara 4 - 14 Thn
    (berlaku sampai Maret 2011)
    Bali Hai Beach Club Cruise Termasuk:
    * Air-conditioned hotel transfers
    * Morning/afternoon tea and snacks
    * BBQ lunch
    * Snorkeling equipment and tours
    * Glass bottom boat rides
    * Beach/pool games
    * Children's activities
    * Banana boat rides
    * Village excursion
    * Sea kayaks
    * Beach Club Cruise Program
* Scuba diving for qualified divers @US$40
* Introductory Scuba diving programme @US$45
* Semi-submersible coral viewer @US$10
* Parasailing @US$20
  • Bali Hai Reef Cruise
    Rp. 650.000,-/Dewasa
    Rp. 340.000,-Anak antara 4 - 14 Thn
    (berlaku sampai Maret 2011)
    Depart : 08.30 - 16.00
    * Air-conditioned hotel transfers
    * Morning/afternoon tea and snacks
    * BBQ lunch
    * Snorkeling equipment and tours
    * Glass bottom boat rides
    * Beach/pool games
    * Children's activities
    * Banana boat rides
    * Village excursion
    * Sea kayaks
    * Beach Club Cruise Program
* Scuba diving for qualified divers @US$40
* Introductory Scuba diving programme @US$45
* Semi-submersible coral viewer @US$10
* Parasailing @US$20
  • Aristocat Sailing Catamaran
    Rp. 830.000/Dewasa
    Rp. 560.000 Anak antara 4 - 14 Thn
    (berlaku sampai Maret 2011)
    Pelayanan termasuk :
* Semua aktivitas - tur hutan bakau, tur desa adat dan naik sepeda
* Aktivitas laut - glass bottom boat, banana boat, snorkeling dan kano
* Untuk aktivitas di Anchorage - anda dapat berenang di kolam dan main seluncur (water slide).
* Makan siang di Anchorage dengan menu daging dan ikan bakar serta wine dan bir gratis pada saat makan.
* Daging dari Australia, ikan segar dan masakan dengan bahan berkualitas.
* Minuman seperti sprite, Coca Cola, Fanta, Jus, Air mineral, kopi dan teh untuk satu hari.
Jurney to Your chioce
- An untaed mangrove Tour
- A traditional Seawed Farming village
- Swimming in saphire blue water
Optional Activities, Scuba Diving, and Massage
What to Bring, Swimming costume, sunscreen, sunhat, camera, money for optioal Activites and Souvenir

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19.07 | 0 comments

Wisata Klungkung

Puputan Klungkung monumentIdentification and AttractivenessMonument or building towering as high as 28 meters from the base / base of the building in the center of Linga-Yoni-shaped Semarapura built on an area of ​​123 square meters, was named the inaugural Puputan Klungkung monument made by the Minister of Home Affairs on 28 April of 1992. The entire building is made with a stone monument of black so in tune with the meaning of Hindu philosophy that is blowing or the all-out war conducted by the best sons and daughters Klungkung kingdom together with his people.
LocationBellows Klungkung monument located in the middle of town within easy reach Semarapura so well from the direction of Denpasar, Besakih, Candi Dasa, as it stands on the outskirts of the bustling traffic. The location is very strategic Puputan Klungkung monument as close to Kertha Gosa / Taman Gili, Shopping Centre, Traditional Market and Government Offices.
VisitSince the opening of the Monument Puputan Klungkung has been much visited by tourists both domestic and foreign tourists.
DescriptionGreat nation is a nation that can appreciate the services his hero, the string of words that makes the motivation of the Government of Regency of Klungkung Klungkung in building a monument to commemorate Puputan and appreciate the services of the mighty warriors who have fallen and are willing to sacrifice his body soul as well as in maintaining their property and uphold the dignity and the dignity of the homeland by the colonial rape. Yangmerupakan Puputan Klungkung monument memorial of an historic event that occurred on Tuesday, April 28, 1908 Umanis and in the area of ​​the monument has been happening / happened bellows or all-out war that is the evidence of resistance against the persistent efforts of the Dutch colonizers in the plug imprealismenya nails. Freedom-loving people of Klungkung great respect and uphold the majesty and the sanctity of blood spilled under the leadership of a king who ruled at that time and followed the faithful have fallen bahudanda covered in blood from the bullets hit the Netherlands. That Klungkung that although the area is just a small speck of Persada the archipelago, but able to uphold and adhere to the spirit of heroism and patriotism through war bellows. Klungkung monument shaped phallus and yoni built on an area of ​​123 square meters, equipped with 4-sdudut hall staring at the corner of the page. Part baweah phallus a very large room there is a rectangular building entrance doors of the gate as much as 4 pieces: one from the east, one south, one west and one from the north. Height of the monument from the bottom to the top of the phallus is 28 m. While the building / space under the dome of the phallus are semmacam octagonal building covered with lotus flowers as many as 19 pieces. This reflects the total on 28 April 1908. Puputan Klungkung is now commemorated every year. While in the room is equipped with a diorama monument, which depicts the struggle of the people of Klungkung with his king.

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19.05 | 0 comments

Wisata Karangasem

Later the name Karangasem in the tourism sector began to be taken into account along with a number of breakthrough taken by local government as a cruise port development plan in the district are located on the eastern tip of Bali.
However true this district to own a number of attractions that are very attractive even less with the other attractions in the district in Bali.
Here are some attractions that are owned by Karangasem:
A. Taman UjungParks Edge was founded in 1919 by King Karangasem last, situated in the village of Tumbi, who was used as a perisitirahatan King Karangasem. Because of its beauty Taman Ujung referred to as "Water Palace". Construction of architecture has similarities with the Taman Ujung Water Parks Tirtagangga and Puri Agung Karangasem.
2. Candi DasaCandidasa is a major destination of the tourists who come to Ubud, located in the Bugbug, Karangasem district. Candidasa is a replica of the famous Kuta beach because the same - each has a white sand. It is suitable for water sports such as swimming, diving and snorkeling.
3. TulambenTulamben is famous in Bali as a place for diving activities and snoerkeling. Here we can meet U.S. Liberty Ship that sank the World War II. Sea coral populations there are many different types of tropical fish are very beautiful. Because the beauty of Tulamben launtnya dujuluki as sorganya for lovers of diving and snorkeling. Tulamben is located in District 21 Km North Karangasem Kubu.
4. BesakihBesakih is located in District Rendang. Besakih enjoys panoramic views with a backdrop of Mount Agung which has a height of 3142 meters. On the slopes of Mount Agung lies sebuag Pura Besakih Pura named to the fishermen as the largest temple in Bali as a temput sacred to Hindus.
5. Crest of the hillLocated in the Village District Pesaban Rendang, 8 Km North of Klungkung (Semarapura). Crested a hill known as a place perbehentian for tourists for its natural beauty is very natural form of rice terraces in between.
6. Telaga WajaTelaga Waja is a river that is in Rendang village is perfect for rafting activities. Telaga Waja have very clean water and some rocks and boulders along the river.
7. IsehIseh is a natural tourist attraction located in the village of Sidemen. Beautiful panorama with a very cool air is located at the bottom of the slopes of Mount Agung with beautiful terraced rice fields. When you visit Iseh do not forget to see the process of making and songket cloth Endek who use the traditional way and is very popular in Bali. Iseh located in the village of Sidemen.
8.JemelukJemeluk Purwakerti located in the village, Abang district. Very beautiful panorama located between the sea and hills. Jemeluk also very suitable for diving and snorkeling because of the beauty of the underwater world is very beautiful. After mjengunjungi this place you can continue your trip to Tulamben and to Taman Ujung through a Bunutan - Seraiah - Edge - Amlapura.
9. TirtaganggaLocated in the village Abang, Abang district just 6 miles north Amlapura. Tirtagangga founded in 1948 by King Karangasem last used as a resting place of the royal family. Its architecture is a guide to the European, Chinese and traditional Balinese architecture. Surrounded by the beautiful panorama makes Tirtagangga is a very important purpose for the visit.
10. Puri Agung KarangasemAmlapura is the capital city of Kabuapten Karangasem, located 78 Km east of Denpasar. Since the kingdom was established Karangasem Amlapura is the center of the kingdom. Attractions are located in Puri Agung Amlapura is an architect with a blend of Bali, China and Europe. The castle was founded by Anak Agung Gede Jelantik, the first king of Karangasem. Inside the palace we will find a collection of photographs from the family of the kings and the king's costumes worn at the time.
11. SibetanSibetan village is famous for its fruits, the fruit is very delicious flaky. Sibetan Village also presents a beautiful panorama with untouched nature and the blue ocean views. The village is located in District Bebandem about 5 Km from Putung.
12. PutungOne of the most attractive sights are located in the village Putung East Duda, District Strait. The location is a mix between valleys and mountains with a beautiful landscape. Putung has a wonderful climate for relaxation. Here you can also find fruit Salak.
13. Tenganan PegringsinganThe original Balinese village of Tenganan is known as the Bali Age. Located about 5 km North of Candidasa. Tenganan is famous for its cultural and traditional customs of Bali. Religious rituals by which they set their own calendars and different from most other Balinese.
Tenganan village presents a beautiful panorama with a beautiful backdrop of the hill. The village is also the only place where people will find fabric called Ikat is a process Gringsing pewarnaanya use the traditional colors.
14. Yeh MaletMalet is situated in the village of Eze Antiga Mangosteen District, 33 km west of Amlapura. Yeh Malet merupak a very interesting place to visit with the majestic Mount Agung and the beach. This beach is perfect for swimming, fishing and Sunset View. Yeh Malet is also famous for its traditional salt pembutan process.
15. Padang BaiPadangbai merupak dock for ships crossing the sea and is home from Bali to Lombok. Located in the Village District Padangbai Mangosteen. Padangbai also very suitable to perform activities of swimming, diving and snorkeling. Padangbai very famous for its white sand beach with tropical fish are very interesting.

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19.00 | 0 comments

Wisata Jembrana

Bali Barat National Park as a nature conservation area, can be used for educational purposes, research, recreation and support cultivation. Characteristic of the West Bali National Park is the presence of Bali starlings (Leucopsar rothschildi) that can live in the wild only in the West Bali National Park. In Administrative Bali Barat National Park Located in the district of Jembrana and Buleleng Bali Province. Between December to March rainfall in this region is quite high.

Some type of vegetation is the mangrove forest vegetation is dominated by mangrove (Rhizophora sp), Savana dominated by papyrus plants (Borassus flabelier), Rain Forest, which is dominated by forest vegetation season Pilang (Acasia leucophloea)

Some wildlife can be observed in the West Bali National Park, among others, Birds of Bali Starling (leucospar rothschildi), banteng (Bos javanicus), Deer (Muntiacus muntjak), hare (Tragulus javanicus), deer (Cervus timorensis), Forest Cat (Felis bengalensis), gray monkey (Macaca fascicularis), Black Monkey (Presbytis Criscata), Starling White (Stunus melanopterus), Terucuk (Pycnonotus goiavier), orioles (Oriolus chinensis) King Prawn (Halcyon Chloris).

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18.57 | 0 comments

Wisata Gianyar

Lebih beach, Beach This place is named after the village in the southern district lebih.berada gianyar, Bali.Pantai It offers beauty.

of this beach could see the picture of the shape of the western island of Lombok because the beach is limited by the island of Lombok on the east, this beach when we were looking to the south and then we can also see the shape of the island of Nusa Penida for beach more, in the southern part of the island is limited by Nusa Penida.

In addition to its beautiful beaches, this beach is also intended for Hindus to perform the ceremony and Melis nangluk languish.
"Visitors who come to this beach most of the Balinese people and some domestic tourists from various cities in Indonesia that was passing by.

The visitors or tourists who want to try the satay generally stop languan, which he says well-known everywhere, "

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18.48 | 0 comments

Wisata Buleleng

he most interesting tourist attraction in Lovina is when chasing dolphins. In addition, the waves are calm also suitable for swimming, snorkeling, diving, sailing, or just traveling with a boat motor.
Lovina is the most famous tourist attractions in North Bali. This tourist area that includes two districts Pemaron Village, Village Tukadmungga, Villages and Countryside Kalibukbuk Anturan incoming Buleleng District and the Village while the Village Kaliasem Temukus enter Banjar District. Both entered the Buleleng. Village East is located at the Village Pemaron is about 5 km west of Singaraja and the most westerly village Temukus village about 12 km from Singaraja. Central area of ​​Lovina is located 10 km from Singaraja Town or about 210 from Denpasar.
Leading from Lovina to Denpasar there are multiple paths that line alternatf Denpasar - Bedugul - Singaraja, Lovina, line-Seririt Denpasar, Bedugul, Lovina, or Denpasar-Gilimanuk-Lovina. The first two lines take about two hours by road up and down through the cold, Bedugul. While the path Gilimanuk take twice that of the route through Bedugul. Last lines may have been an option if you do not want to go through the winding paths and up and down that for some people to make carsick.
The attraction is a tour Lovina beach with blue water and calm seas. Sand in this place blackish color so it may not fit for sunbathing. However, because the waves are calm, we could swim at the beach or simply soak. Finished swimming or bathing, we lay in bed seats provided in hotels near the beach. Or if there are no chairs to sleep anyway, we could just sit on the sand under the leafy trees. About 2 km along the coast that stretches west to the east is indeed there are many plants such as hibiscus ketapang and so we can take shelter under a tree.
The most makes Lovina is known tourist attraction to see the dolphins (Orcaella breviroustris) in the sea area of ​​Lovina. This brownish-black fish every morning and afternoon leaping off the coast of Lovina about 2 km from the mainland. This attraction can be said to be the most interesting because every morning, and sometimes in the afternoon, hundreds of tourists vying approaching marine mammals are animals. To be able to enjoy it, we have to pay Rp 30,000 per person. We can ask the hotel where we stay or come to the beach tomorrow morning because there are some people who are ready to guide you.
To be able to enjoy the dolphins freely, you'd better wake up at around 5:45 pm. Therefore, the boat that will take us to pursue the dolphins usually depart at 06.00 pm. At that hour, the atmosphere was dark and, although near the coast, the air was still cold. The choice is in addition to the morning because by the time the dolphins are also happy to come out because we can enjoy the sunrise from the sea.
The boat we were riding are very slim. Width no more than one meter long and about 10 m. Each boat contains a maximum of four passengers and one captain of the boat where each person sits on a small wooden boat across the body. Push the boat out to sea before it could be carrying a great way to release energy and relax the body before enjoying a dolphin. So, do not hesitate to help push the boat captain.
The journey begins. Small engine-driven boats that carry us toward the middle. As a counterweight, on either side of the boat there is a sort of wing. The boat also cruised through the water so calm beach of Lovina. In the ballooning we left, several similar boats with two to four people on board were heading the same direction, the sea. The atmosphere is dimly lit while on the horizon starts to look a tinge of orange sun signs immediately greet the world.
About 2 km from the beach, the horizon turns orange red. But the sun still blocked black clouds on the horizon. The boats still raced like a silhouette for a red tinge in their backgrounds. Have not seen dolphins and sea waves started to feel bigger than ever. The boat cruised slowly after walking about 15 minutes. This time the bow turned to the west. The dolphin has not been seen there. Boat more and more, until the 50s. Then, oops, a few tails of dolphins jumping out of the water. Chase boats which direction the dolphins swim. Another group of dolphins seen on the other side. This time more, about 4 tails. They jumped into the sea and then sank back. Sometimes only their black fins are visible on the surface of the water.
Getting lunch, the group of dolphins more and more visible. Their skin looks slick shiny sun. That morning they were heading west. The boats were picking up speed following the entourage drove the smart animals. If you want to get pictures of dolphins are nice, the camera should always be in a position ready to snap. Because the movement of the fish was so fast that sometimes when we snapped them as jumping, our cameras caught only when they are drowning. Also you should use a camera capable of long distance because the distance between the fish with the boat about 5 meters. It would be great if you bring a camcorder that can recording dolphin perfectly.
There are times when groups of dolphins that did not come to the surface in a long time. If it so, usually the boats had stopped chasing it, or just running around. Ocean waves rocked the boat feels more we lean. When the dolphin appeared, again driven boat chasing dolphins. Shouted back the tourists and an 50-boat race toward each other like dolphins. After all, the boats to understand each other, with no collisions while chasing each other. This can be entertainment in itself.
Approximately 1.5 hours chasing dolphins, sea animals longer does not appear until a few surviving boats waiting, the rest back. Sunlight is also starting to feel oppressive, though still early. Before returning to the mainland, the captain of the boat is usually served hot tea and fried bananas. We can enjoy it while toyed with the waves. On the mainland hills looked a sight in itself. Until after the finished drinking hot tea, the boat returned to shore.
Done chasing dolphins, we can go back to the hotel and enjoy breakfast in the restaurant and then relax. But there is also a tourist who only breakfast and then go back to the beach. This time the Marine Park for snorkeling in Lovina is located approximately 50 meters from the beach towards the sea. For that we should pay Rp 30,000 and we got a snorkle, fins (fin), and life jacket. In Marine Park, we can see the underwater Lovina. Although much charm compared to Menjangan Island, Nusa Lembonga, or the other, not hurt us to enjoy. Because tropical fish are also quite interesting. when we throw bread at them, the fish will chase each other the bread. For about an hour one can enjoy the fish and coral reefs of Lovina.
If it is not too keen on snorkeling, why not try other places of interest in Lovina. The most crowded places along Lovina Lovina Centre is entering Kalibukbuk Village area. In this place there is a monument to the dolphin as a sign that dolphins lumbalah main attraction of this beach is adjacent Java Sea. Monument dolphins about five feet tall with a dolphin at the top. At the base of the monument, four were smaller dolphins surround the monument. With the background of the sea in the north, this monument can be an attractive background image. The other place is Jl Ketapang Kalibukbuk within approximately 500 meters from Lovina Centre. This place is like the first place but no dolphins lumbanya monument.
After that you can along the coast. With black sand, walking along the beach it was very hot. But there are trees along the beaches and hibiscus ketapang can rest and shelter. There are also several small bale which allows us to sit down. In addition, there are sidewalks for pedestrians about 10 meters from the beach. so we are also along the coast on the sidewalk. Ease back, past the restaurant sidewalk kadnag so if you're hungry you just stop there and eliminates thirst. Lovina area is indeed supported by a number of tourism facilities in the like cafe, both five-star hotel accommodation, hotel jasmine, homestays and homestay, restaurants artshop, travel agents, even the money changer. For example, hotel rates are very bervasriasi between Rp 60,000 to Rp 500,000 per night per night. With low prices, the average guests who visit in Lovina chose to stay longer (long stay).
Lovina position in the main line-Singaraja Gilimanuk facilitate tourists that want to enjoy elsewhere. Usually we stay hotel offers a package trip. For example, diving package to Menjangan Island, trekking to the West Bali National Park (TNBB), or a day trip to Bedugul. The final choice could be a reference. In addition to enjoying the journey to Bedugul is located about 25 km from Lovina, travel back through Banyuatis usually known for his coffee. In this place, but could see the coffee crop and how North selukbeluknya, we can also see the process of post-harvest until ready to drink coffee. You can try it yourself when there. From here the famous Bali coffee is coming from. Return trip from Lovina will melwati Banyuatis to go up and down the field winding with a background sea of ​​Java and the city of Singaraja far down there. Until we come back in Lovina.
Grow dusk, a light tinge of red in the west are also beginning to show. The atmosphere around the coast are also beginning to get dark because of the small beacon. Then it was time to go back to the hotel to prepare for the evening entertainment. cafes along Jl and Jl Puri Bagus Binaria presents an evening that is not much different from Kuta. Here even more enjoyable because it is more quiet and we are still able to slow the waves while enjoying a beer or other beverage warmers.

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Wisata Bangli

Bangli is the only district in the Province of Bali which has no beach, which borders North Buleleng, Klungkung regency and Karangasem in East Gianyar and Klungkung regency in the South, and the regency of Badung and Gianyar in the West.Tourism BangliYellow Falls Village, BangliBangli bangliWisata tour of River waterfall soar as high as 25 m in the hamlet of Yellow, Bali Taman Desa, about 6 km from the city of Bangli, which is within walking distance as far as 500 m from the village, with a forest inhabited by hundreds of monkeys.Demulih hill, BangliBangli bangliWisata travel about 4 miles from the City Bangli suitable for trekking activities, with a view of the surrounding paddy soil.Bukit Jati, BangliVillage tourism Bangli bangliWisata Guliang, about 11 km from the city of Bangli and 3 km from the town of Gianyar, on the border district and Gianyar Regency Bangli, which is an ideal place for trekking and hiking, and can bathe in the river along with the locals.Kedisan village, BangliBangli bangliWisata tour on the edge of Lake Batur, about 27 km from the city of Bangli, where there is a dock to cross over to the Village Trunyan.Penglipuran village, BangliVillage tourism Bangli bangliWisata Penglipuran, 45 km from Denpasar, on Main Street Kintamani - Bangli. There is a 76-angkul angkul houses that are all uniform. Visitors can come to enjoy the atmosphere of the village and see the handicrafts made of the population.Pengotan village, BangliBangli bangliWisata tour with home made of bamboo with a unique design, mass mating ritual in the Great Penataran approximately April to October, burial rituals, and the appearance of various types of dance arts at Temple Pedunungan in December.Trunyan, BangliBangli bangliWisata tour on the Lake Batur, which can be visited by boat from the village Kedisan, cross Lake Batur for 30 minutes, in which dead people are put in the open under a tree, a custom known as Mapasah.Heroes Monument Penglipuran, BangliBangli bangliWisata tourist area of ​​1.5 ha in the southern village of Penglipuran, which was built in 1959, which became a landmark for the war in Bangli revolution led by General KaptenAnak Muditha against NICA.Museum of Mount Batur, BangliBangli bangliWisata tourist in a tourist area Penelokan parking area about 20 km from the city of Bangli, a store of ancient objects and volcanology information.Pantunan, BangliBangli bangliWisata tourist farms which are valleys as deep as 500 m, with a view of ground rice fields, coconut trees and hills in the distance.

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Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Bali Bedugul

Bedugul is the name used to cover a large area of the central highlands of Bali around the villages of Bedugul itself, Candikuning, Pancasari, Pacung and Wanagiri (amongst others). This is an area of great natural beauty. The focus point of the area centres on the three crater lakes of Bratan (Beratan), Buyan and Tamblingan, and the nearby botanical gardens. The whole area is at an altitude of 700 metres or more, with the tallest mountain peaks above 2,000 metres, and it can be distinctly chilly here.
This article covers the Bedugul area as well as the village of Munduk to the west, and areas between Bedugul and Mount Batukaru to the south west. Mount Batukaru itself is covered in the Tbanan
Map of the Bedugul area
Map of the Bedugul area
Bedugul is located about 50 km north of Denpasar on a main route from South Bali to North Bali.
The area is served by regular bemos which depart from Batubulan terminal in Denpasar in the south, and from Singaraja in the north. The Perama bus company,has no local office in Bedugul so if you planning go further from Bedugul, buy ticket in Kuta, Ubud or elsewhere.
A common way for visitors to appreciate this beautiful mountain region is to hire a car and driver for the day from their base in South Bali. Make sure you have a driver who knows the area well (ask questions to determine this), and fix the price for the day in advance. Depending on the class of car, expect to pay between Rp 500,000 and 600,000 including petrol. Car parking fees and any entrance charges will be extra, and it is always appreciated if you offer to buy the driver lunch.
Another option is to hire your own car and drive up here. Be sure to bring a good map though, and when in doubt, always ask locals for directions.

If you are staying in Bedugul, hiring a motorcycle is a good idea as some of the distances between areas of interest are quite long. Your hotel will be able to arrange this and you should expect to pay from Rp 50,000 to 80,000 per day.

The physically fit will enjoy mountain biking here. There are no formal taxis but you will find plenty of drivers willing and able to transport you for a fixed price.
The area is well served by local bemos, and the central gathering points for these are in and around the car park at Candikuning Market, and in the vilage of Pancasari just before you reach Lake Buyan. Be prepared for the local users to be carrying all sorts of market produce, including live chickens and other animals.

Verdant rice terraces and valleys at Jatiluwih

Verdant rice terraces and valleys at Jatiluwih
  • Bali Botanical Gardens (Kebun Raya Eka Karya), +62 368 21273, [2]. 8AM-6PM daily. One of Indonesia's four official botanical gardens. Located in Candikuning. The entrance road is identified by the presence of a giant stone corn on the cob statue! From the information centre buy a copy of an excellent little pamphlet called Six Self Guided Walks in the Bali Botanical Gardens and set off on your way. The gardens are huge covering some 160 hectares and any visitor with an interest in plants and trees could easily spend a whole day here. Also, an informative library and gift shop. Rp 7,500
  • Jatiluwih, (on the main Sangeh to Bedugul road turn west towards Babanan about 8 km before you reach Bedugul. Follow the Jatiluwih signs and you will reach the pay booth.). A startlingly beautiful area of verdant, terraced rice paddies nestled in the shadow of Mount Batukaru. Take your time and explore thoroughly. There are a number hikes thorough truly stunning terrain. When you have had your fill there are a couple of cafes for refreshment (and yet more views). In 2007 this was nominated as a UNESCO world heritage site. Rp 10,000 per person plus Rp 5,000 per car.
  • Munduk Waterfall, (about 1 km west of Munduk market). These falls are impressive and really roar in the wet season. A spot that is little visited, despite being perhaps the most impressive accessible falls on the whole island. Rp 5,000.
  • Pura Ulun Danu Bratan (Lake Bratan Temple), Lake Bratan, Bedugul. 7AM-5PM daily. After Tanah Lot, this is perhaps the most photographed temple on the island and is certainly one of the iconic images of Bali. The temple sits on the western shore of Lake Bratan and it can give the illusion of actually floating on the water. Built in 1633, the temple is devoted to Ida Batara Dewi Ulun Danu, goddess of the lake. A beautiful temple in a truly stunning setting. Rp 10.000

  • Explore the mountain roads and take in the wonderful views. The area around Munduk to the west of Lake Tamblingan is especially spectacular, and you can continue the drive through Munduk village to Banyuatis and then all the way to Seririt near Lovina on the north coast.
  • Play golf at Bali Handara Kosaido Golf and Country Club, +62 362 22646 [3]. At an altitude of 1,142 metres and surrounded by green mountains, crater lakes and ancient forest, this Peter Thompson designed course is considered one of the very best in Asia.
Cloves drying by the roadside in Munduk
Cloves drying by the roadside in Munduk
  • Birdwatching is good in this area around the lakes, and in the botanical gardens where some 97 species have been officially recorded. A number of scarce montane species are to be found here.
  • Water sports on Lake Bratan. Parasailing, speedboat rides and jetskis are all available if you are comfortable with polluting such a beautiful lake. The more environmentally conscious may wish to restrict their lake activities to renting a rowing boat. These are all controlled from Taman Rekreasi Bedugul (admission Rp 10,000) on the southern shore of Lake Bratan.
  • Trekking in the mountains and around the lakes is very rewarding. There are regular, organised group departures from Taman Rekreasi Bedugul at Lake Bratan and the Botanical Gardens. If you require an individual guide for your own planned trek, your hotel will be able to help or ask at Taman Rekreasi Bedugul. Popular organised treks include:
    • Climbing Mount Catur (2,096m), starting at Taman Rekreasi Bedugul. This is quite a stiff climb.
    • Around Lake Tamblingan, returning by canoe. A very leisurely trek.
    • Around Jatiluwih with options from a 2 hour stroll to a stiff 8 hour trek.
    • The Munduk area is also popular and extremely scenic.
  • Angseri hot springs lies about 20km to the south of central Bedugul. From the main market head directly south. It is well sign-posted.
Bali Treetop Adventure Park
Bali Treetop Adventure Park
  • Understand the crops. Interesting crops grown in this area include coffee, vanilla, cloves and cacao. Once you know them, you will see clove trees everywhere at the side of the highland roads. There are several coffee plantations on the roads north of Lake Bratan and around Munduk.
  • Bali Treetop Adventure Park, at the Botanical Gardens, +62 361 8520680, The park includes six main circuits that stretch from tree to tree, as well as nets, Tarzan Jumps, and bridges. Each run also features "Flying Fox" zip-lines of up to 160 metres, providing heart-pounding thrills to guests as they fly through the air. Two circuits are designed for young children from 4 years old.
  • Bedugul (Bukit Mungsu) Traditional Market in Candikuning. Bedugul is the highland garden of Bali, producing lots of cool climate fruits and vegetables. In the market here you can find strawberries plus a myriad of tropical fruits, vegetables, corn and orchids. This is a great place to buy exotic spices, with mixed gift packs being especially popular. There is also an art section of the market with lots of handicrafts.
  • Pick your own Strawberries. There are several strawberry farms in the area. Look for signs.

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